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Walthamstow School for Girls


Well done year 11!

There have been some stunning results at WSFG this year. Well done to all our students; we are so proud of you!

We are committed to ‘bringing out the gift’ in every one of our students and that will mean different things to different people so it is not all about examination results. However, we also know that good results can open doors and give students better choices so it is with great pleasure that I write to tell you about some of our successes.

You will have read in the press about grade boundaries being more stringent than in previous years. Even so, WSFG saw significant improvements across some key measures. 71% of students gained a grade 5 or above in English and Maths, compared to 54% in 2019 and an impressive 87% of students gained a grade 4 or above in English and Maths, compared to 79% in 2019.

Results continue to be strong across the board and better than in 2019: 65% of students gained 5 or more GCSEs at grade 5 or above, including English and Maths and 86% at grade 4 or above, meaning that most of our students leave with what they need to enrol on good college courses. In addition to this success, 38% of entries from all subjects were awarded a 7-9 grade, which is much higher than the national figure of 22%.

Data Document


Our results day isn’t about the figures, it’s about the students, and it was great to see so many happy faces, ready to embark on the next stage of their exciting journey. Thank you to all those staff who were around on the day to celebrate, as well as to provide guidance for students who needed help and support on the day.

There were a number of high achievers this year: Elvin Donmez gained 12 grades 7-9, including 8 grade 9s. She will be studying Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Computing at Kings Maths College and would like to study physics or engineering in the future. Lois Kasperkowicz gained 10 grades 79, including 9 grade 9s and will be studying Maths, Chemistry and Biology at Trinity sixth form with a view to a career in bio-engineering, Ivelina Zhisheva achieved 9 grades 7-9, including 8 grade 9s and Cleo Bador gained 9 grades 7-9, including 7 grade 9s. Cleo will be studying History, English, History of Art and Politics and Ivelina will be studying Biology, Chemistry, Economics and Maths, both at Harris Westminster

We are really proud of the amazing results achieved by all of our students this year, not just our highest achievers. I want to take this opportunity to thank our dedicated staff who were tireless in their support of year 11, as well as our parents for their support and commitment. It really has been a team effort. As someone who has just experienced two daughters taking A levels and GCSEs together, I appreciate how brutal the system can seem and I know that it takes a lot of strength and courage from students and families to get through those difficult exam weeks.

This has been a wonderful year group: full of courage, compassion and creativity. We are so proud of you and wish you every success in the future.
