December 2024 Section 8 Inspection
Walthamstow School for Girls is an outstanding school
WSfG’s Ofsted inspection took place on the 3rd and 4th of December. It is with great pleasure that I am now able to share the report with you.
Because this was a section 8 inspection, inspectors were looking to see whether leaders have maintained standards since the previous inspection when the school was graded Outstanding. I am delighted to tell you that inspectors found that leaders have maintained standards and that the school remains Outstanding.
I am even more delighted by the content of the report and I know that parents, students and staff will be proud that WSFG and our community is described in such glowing terms as ‘exceptional... highly aspirational... a culture where all are valued... excellent... skillful... ambitious... impressive... high-quality.’
Our students are described as showing ‘great commitment to their learning... polite and courteous... highly respectful... highly supportive...excellent ambassadors... pupils’ behaviour is exceptional ... they are impressive communicators and have wonderful attitudes to learning... (they) have strong voices to influence important aspects of the school’s work.’
Pupils’ wider development is described as ‘extensively promoted’, our careers programme is ‘very strong’ and the report recognises the ‘numerous opportunities in every year group for pupil leadership, cultural enrichment through the curriculum. Educational visits, additional activities... and the importance of respect for other cultures.’
The school’s ambitious agenda of lifelong learning is noted by Ofsted: our ‘culture of continual improvement... has sustained the school’s high performance’. In addition, ‘there is exceptional support for ongoing professional development and workload is well-considered... Staff are immensely proud to work at this school.’
We are very proud that our high standards have been recognised by Ofsted and we will continue to systematically evaluate the effectiveness of the education we provide for our community because it is exactly what you and your daughters deserve.