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Walthamstow School for Girls

Headteacher's Message

18th October 2024

Dear Parents, Carers and Students,

Since I last wrote to you at the end of September, students in school have enjoyed a whole range of enjoyable activities, both inside and out of the classroom.

Have you ever wondered who Mary Morstan was? Ever thought you might be interested in writing your own graphic novel? What a shame you missed our lunchtime lecture series in the LRC! Instigated by the students themselves, they were a roaring success. The LRC was also the venue for our energetic National Poetry Day Poetry Slam where we saw first-hand how creative and reflective our wonderful students are, confidently sharing issues they are concerned about.

Last week also saw another literary treat when year 11 students took part in the Shaking up Shakespeare workshop. At the same time, our year 9s were taking part in the Old Vic Theatre Club workshop, before heading off to see the Old Vic’s production of Tom Stoppard’s The Real Thing.

As year 11s begin to think about the next part of their educational journey and with mock examinations on the horizon, our Parent Information Evening ensured that parents and students feel ‘GCSE ready’. They also benefited from our annual College Roadshow when local colleges and sixth forms gathered in the Hewett Hall to recruit. It was lovely seeing many of our ex-students who had returned to represent their new schools. For more information about year 11, please see our website here:

October is Black History Month with the theme of Reclaiming Narratives. You will see below the emphasis on ‘untold stories’ and a KS3 themed Global Book Group based on David Olusoga’s student-friendly version of ‘Black and British’. It is important that BHM is an all-year round celebration of diversity and achievement so look out for updates on other events. I know that our BHM ambassadors have been collecting stories and recipes so we are looking forward to hearing about their findings and a prospective book. Watch this space...

Mental Health Day

It was World Mental Health Day on 10th October. Students and staff wore green ribbons as a sign of their commitment to mental health awareness and benefited from workshops and assemblies during tutor time. It is so important that we feel we can talk about all aspects of our mental health and that we can have open conversations with those we trust, demonstrating compassion for ourselves and each other.

Students know that not only can they talk to tutors and teachers but also our dedicated Wellbeing Hub team. To find out more, talk to staff in the Hub or follow the link below:

I find using the 5 Ways to Wellbeing below really useful. How many can you tick off this weekend?

Reminder: Late start on Monday 28th October

Each half-term we have a slightly later start for our extended staff briefing. Timings will be as follows:

  • Students can enter the building from 08:30 Registration will start at 09:00 until 09:20
  • Period 1 will be from 09:20 to 10:10 The rest of the day will be as normal
  • This will be a Week B

I want to take this opportunity to wish you all a good half-term. Our Jewish families and staff have marked Yom Kippur over the last week; our Hindu staff and families will celebrate Diwali on the 1st of November. Whatever you are planning to do, I hope you are safe and well and look after yourselves.

Best wishes

Helen Marriott
