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Walthamstow School for Girls

Headteacher's Fortnightly Message

28 June 2024

Dear Students, Parents and Carers

What a fantastic two weeks we have had!  In school, we have hosted the year 11 Prom and Leavers’ Day to celebrate the achievements and to say goodbye to our lovely year 11s.  We also welcomed governors for a day of information and training which included a tour of the school, exploring our School Improvement Plan and meeting students and staff.  This week also saw Year 8 public speaking day and Culture Day.  Take a look at the fabulous photographs in below links:

Year 11 Prom & Leavers' Day

Year 8 Public Speaking Day

WSFG Culture Day

Out of school, some of our year 8s became language teachers for the afternoon at St Mary’s Primary, year 10 geographers went to Walton-on-the Naze and a group of year 8 students visited Kelmscott for a ‘Pride’ day celebration with other students from across the borough.

Year 10 Geography Walton on the Naze Trip

Year 8 French Trip to St Mary's Primary

Thank you to all of our staff and visitors who have contributed to these wonderful events.

Assemblies this week have focused on Refugee Week and the theme of ‘Home’.   Our student ambassadors helped to deliver the assemblies, with their usual passion and verve.  We felt it was particularly important to celebrate the contributions which refugees make to our country, given some of the negative portrayals of refugees in the media recently.  Please see below for links to the Refugee Council and UNHCR for more information.

Refugee Week

Wishing you all a relaxing weekend!

Helen Marriott
