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Walthamstow School for Girls

E-Payments via ParentPay

The school makes use of the e-payment system ParentPay to facilitate cashless payments that parents and carers often need to make for things such as:

  • School meals
  • Music lessons
  • Trips
  • One-off events
  • Additional school resources required for learning
  • Granting permission for students' involvement in trips and activities - whether charged or free

The ParentPay portal offers a convenient and secure payment method for parents and carers, reducing the need to send your daughters to school with large amounts of cash.  All new parents and carers on joining the school are sent details of how to register with the ParentPay system and detailed support and guidance is available from ParentPay’s website.  

Once you have created a ParentPay account you will also be able to manage your ParentPay account online at anytime:

  • Check your account balance
  • View transactions
  • Top up your account from your bank account, credit or debit card
  • View your transactions online and update your details 

Please refer to the ParentPay website for full Terms and Conditions. If you have any queries with ParentPay related payments or login issues, please contact  the school by e-mail.

The One Card

The school operates a “One Card” system which uses the same technology as Transport for London (TfL) Oyster cards.  The cards are used by students to pay for school meals.  The card is presented at the cashless catering tills in our dining hall by students and money is deducted from the online balances that the card accounts hold from either ParentPay payments or manual cash top-ups made by students.

It is very important that all students bring their One Card to school every day as it also acts as their Student ID and their library card. Any lost cards must be reported to Media Resources in G16 who will arrange for a replacement.
