June 2018 Section 5 Inspection
Ofsted – Walthamstow School for Girls is an outstanding school
Following the recommendations made from the Section 8 Ofsted inspection in February, the school was inspected by four inspectors, led by an HMI, on 13-14 June 2018. This was a Section 5 Inspection, which enabled the judgement to be changed.
We are delighted to inform you that the inspectors confirmed our judgement that the school is Outstanding.
The inspection report can be viewed here.
Some of the very positive comments made by the inspectors are:
“Determined and bold leadership by the Headteacher, her senior leaders and Governors has ensured that this is an outstanding school. They are uncompromising in their efforts to provide the very best education for every pupil.”
“Middle Leaders are exceptional and collaborate well to share best practice. They drive their teams with energy and enthusiasm. They share the strong moral purpose of the Headteacher to ensure that no pupil is left behind. As a result, outcomes for pupils are outstanding, giving them essential life chances.”
“Governors are committed and ambitious for the school’s future”
“The school has a culture where the safety and well-being of pupils are paramount.”
“Teaching, learning and assessment across the school are of a very high quality.”
“There are very strong working relationships between staff and pupils based on mutual trust and respect.”
“Pupils hunger for information from teachers to satisfy their desire for learning.”
“The behaviour of pupils is outstanding.”
“The school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is outstanding.”
“The school’s values of Growth, Resilience, Energy, Empathy and Newness (GREEN) are lived by staff and pupils in all aspects of the school’s work.”
“Pupils feel safe and they are safe.”
“Tolerance and diversity are strengths of the school.”
“Pupils very much enjoy coming to school.”
“Pupils leave Year 11 having made outstanding progress from their starting points.”
“The school arranges a wealth of trips, visits and speakers and promotes high aspirations.”