Curriculum Statement
Curriculum Statement WSFG
Our school curriculum is underpinned by three key principles:
Our school motto: ‘Neglect not the Gift that is in thee’ which expresses our desire to nurture the individual talents of every student
Our school values of courage, compassion, aspiration and integrity
Our school vision of developing a community of lifelong learners
Our school motto ‘Neglect not the gift that is in thee’
Our clear and ambitious vision for the school’s curriculum is to provide a broad and balanced range of opportunities whilst developing the individual talents of each student. This begins when students transfer to the school, where we explore what our motto means for them in terms of both learning and character development, as well as through ongoing dialogues with form tutors. Our wide-ranging extra-curricular provision, student leadership, careers activities and pastoral curriculum enables students to further explore what makes them unique and provides them with opportunities to develop their talents.
By studying specialist subjects from the beginning of their time with us, delivered by experienced and highly-skilled subject specialists, students quickly deepen their knowledge and skills; key areas are then revisited throughout their five years with us so that learning is systematically embedded. Our curriculum structure and design is complemented by the range of subjects and pathways on offer, enabling each student to achieve their very best so that we can ‘bring out the gift’ in each one.
Our use of learning journeys and feedback sheets further empowers students to understand and reflect on what and how they are learning in each subject, thereby enhancing their autonomy and independence and developing their ability to make informed decisions about their learning and progress, guided by their teachers.
Our school values of courage, compassion, aspiration and integrity
We recognise the importance of examination outcomes in providing our students, especially the most disadvantaged, with transformative life choices. In preparing students for the next stage of their lives, we ensure that this is both thorough and comprehensive, through a wide range of experiences such as careers visits, events and interviews, as well as through academic and pastoral support for their GCSE examinations. Our curriculum vision is more ambitious than this, however: we look beyond examination outcomes by focusing on developing students’ character. Our values of courage, compassion, aspiration and integrity support students to become impactful members of the school, as well as the local and global community.
Our pastoral curriculum, through assemblies, tutor time, student leadership and our rewards system, focuses sharply on developing those values. They are woven into our academic curriculum, both in terms of lessons which focus specifically on those values but also through our pedagogy: encouraging risk-taking, ‘thinking hard’ and in a critical appreciation of different points of view. We are a truly comprehensive school, proud of our diversity and committed to social justice. Throughout their time here, students participate in activities which develop their sense of community and global responsibility, enhanced by visits from speakers and role models, including our alumni.
Our school vision of developing a community of lifelong learners
Students’ learning experience at WSFG aims to reflect learning in its very broadest sense and ensure that it is not limited by the walls of the classroom. Learning experiences are therefore rich and inclusive, not only allowing students to excel but also develop a lifelong love of learning. This is enhanced by all aspects of school life, from our pastoral and wellbeing support, developing student leadership and extracurricular and enrichment opportunities. Whilst each subject seeks to empower, enable and challenge, giving students the knowledge and skills to realise their aspirations and to become resilient and independent learners, our extra-curricular activities play a crucial role in extending students’ interests, self-confidence and subject knowledge.