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Walthamstow School for Girls

Headteacher's Fortnightly Message

10 May 2024

Dear Students, Parents and Carers

Our lovely year 11s started their exams this week with RE and drama on Thursday and science today. As you would expect, they seemed calm and well-prepared. On Thursday morning, they came into the dining hall, ate breakfast and helped to test each other on key areas of the exam. This was a great start to the exam season for a year group who have already demonstrated their commitment to their studies and their ability to do well. Thank you to all of our staff, teachers, exams and office staff, who have helped to prepare students and have ensured that exams arrangements have gone smoothly.

Many of our teaching, LLD and pastoral staff have also provided invaluable emotional support for students who have found aspects of the exams challenging. Students and parents have also benefited from workshops delivered by our Mental Health Support Team on exam stress.

It is so important that students have a good balance of preparation and rest, taking time out to exercise and relax. Thank you to parents for ensuring that this happens. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any support or guidance.

Good luck, year 11!

Bystander Assemblies

Following a recent incident which I wrote to parents about, we have been talking to students about the Bystander Effect in assemblies and form time. Most of our students will act with integrity but we also know that students might be reluctant to intervene, sometimes for safety or for social reasons.

Here is the list we have shared with students of actions to consider in a situation where we feel something is wrong:

Be aware of the bystander phenomenon!

  • Call out negative behaviour.
  • If no-one is taking action remember this assembly and step up.
  • Discretely tell an adult you trust if you think something may happen.
  • If someone is in immediate danger find an adult straight away.
  • Do not film or post on social media.
  • You do not have to intervene yourself if you do not feel safe!
  • Look out for your friends but try to be compassionate and kind to others.

Here is the whole assembly on our website:

Bystander Behaviour

Other news

Our year 8 and 9 Latin students were treated to a visitor last week and attended their own ‘Greek Myth Cafe’. To find out more, read on. In the meantime, Latin students are also applying for our forthcoming school visit to Rome in January.

Wishing you all a restful and relaxing weekend.

Helen Marriott
